Walk the Path to the Self with me...
The Path to the Self
"I arrived in Switzerland welcomed by another *servant to the Goddess*, who joyfully devoted to me in his « Temple of Feminine Sovereignty », offering me his room to sleep (while staying somewhere else), cooking for us delicious food for 3 days, and did all what he could to support my landing in Switzerland. We exchanged massages as two *monks* and keep on sharing, in a very precious embodied research & learning process about our paths and practices.
I celebrated the passage into the New Year again this time singing songs in reverence of love and nature around the bonfire, into the woods and under the stars, without planning it, as it had gracefully happened already last year. I met there a girl who invited me then to another jam at her place, opening up the door to a beautiful community where I could possibly stay if I want to, with a place to dance, offer workshops and massage sessions, and above all, a group of friends that felt like family.
And on, and on, and on. I talked to a girl who wanted to find inspiration and courage to leave her *security job* to go and travel the world, about the famous book « The Alchemist », from Paulo Coelho. Life is a journey, traveling is a way of life, a way to learn how to live. I am proudly standing as an example of that. When you are One, doors are opening up everywhere, for you follow the path of your Self, and Self is a reality that integrates us as individuals, collectives, the living, Planet and Cosmos.
And the key to enter this magic, blissful, fluid dimension of life is to be conscious of - but also being able to move - our body. And voice. The deeper we ground, the more sensitive we become, expanding our consciousness to include the other - making decisions not only according to « I », but to « We ». We soften. This is the path of Union. Union with Self. With oneself, and with the world.
Tantra is a path and tantric massage a practice to step into Life, and Life is always new, recovering from any pain, separation, illness, and even death, following on the sense of evolution. Expanding our body awareness and our senses, we can release obsolete programming of our cells and nervous system / brain, heart, guts ; we create a space where a new design can emerge, the shape of you, of your soul, your identity. This may be one of the most sacred jobs, to facilitate and initiate the birth of your Self.
And when the tree bear fruits, the encounters, recognition, and the money come. Money is only a piece of the puzzle. A symbol among others in a galaxy of signs, in a specific area of time. Money only will not make you rich. Self + money will. Sex only will not make you healthy. Self + sex will. Power only will not make you safe. Self + power will. Because Self gives life to things. And so, changing our gaze and stories around these, and around ourselves in relationship to these, we change our capacity to engage with them, to hold them, to express them.
Now I feel really thrilled to invite you to walk this path with me, the Path to the Self. To full autonomy. Fullness. Enough of « not being enough ». Enough of fear. Enough of should. Enter the mystic reality of your own heart. Re-create your thought. Your school. Your life path. Reveal it as it is revealed to you. Enter the realm of pure synchronicity, abondance and devotion. Teach through your presence, word and life.
In 5 weeks up to 5 months according to your needs, we will plant the seeds into your inner territory, that we will prepare for it.
Massages. Dates. Calls.
5000€ or 7000chf, depending on where you live.
A handful of spots.
Be my guest. 💋
Contact me to apply.
#love #awakening #self #autonomy #union #freedom #empowerment #spirituality #singularity #sovereignty"